Volleyball Equipment - Epic Sports

Volleyball Tips & Drills

  1. Stretching

    Stretch before AND after practice/games to make sure you don't pull a muscle and aren't stiff or sore the next day.

  2. Team Bonding

    This is essential in ALL sports. Bonding develops chemistry between players on & off the court. This could be as simple as playing Duck, Duck, Goose! or running a relay on the court. Teams with great chemistry tend to understand one another's personalities and strengths/weaknesses, which ultimately helps players work better together on the court.

  3. Ball Movement

    Start with a line in the server position. Have the players rotate to all six positions on the court.The coach throws a ball from the other side to each court position. While coach throws the ball have the players run to each position without looking at their feet. The whole time the players name the position that they are receiving the ball in. Improves movement on the court.

  4. Stretching

    A good stretch helps keep you from cramping.

  5. Sevens

    Have them line up at serving line. They have 28 seconds to run to the other serving line and back seven times. Each time they touch the line it counts as one. Do seven in a row with 10 second breaks.

  6. Attitude

    Always have the right attitude so the coach will know that you're there to play.

  7. Passing

    Passing should be done with the player on his/her toes, hips square with arms, legs bent, bumping with the flattest part of the forearms.

  8. Set Goals

    All athletes can improve their athletic performance by determining goals and outlining steps that they can take to achieve those goals.

  9. Recovery After Injuries

    Active rest will help in recovery and regeneration after sports related injuries. A brisk walk or slow swim is considered active rest. Also, a sports massage will help reduce muscle fatigue.

  10. Safety Equipment

    It is important that your safety equipment be well fitted. Safety equipment is not effective when it does not fit properly.

  11. Training

    Do not increase training time or intensity by more than 10% at a time. This should help reduce injuries.

  12. Challenge Yourself

    Don't simply practice the skills that you are good at. Challenge yourself to learn new skills and practice them. The more you learn and master, the more valuable you are to your team!

  13. Practice

    Arrive at scheduled practices early, stay late and work hard while you are there.

  14. Performance Growth

    Listen to your coach. A coach not only determines your play time, a coach is also a valuable resource because coaches generally want to help you grow and develop as a player, and they will have training and experience to help make it happen.

  15. Tips

    Do Leg Ups everyday and you will see a huge difference.

  16. Serving

    This drill is to improve serving and aiming. Place treats such as Gatorade, granola bars and such on one side of the court. Place them randomly. Have the players line up on the opposite side. It's pretty simple, but if they hit the treat with their serve, they get the treat. It is very motivational and helps improve their aim.

  17. Crazy 8's

    This drill is to improve your speed and also get rid of your fear of diving. Have the players line up on the end line of the gym. Then, have the players run to the opposite endline, dive, get up and do the same back and forth 8 times. Back and forth across the gym counts as 1.

  18. Getting Over "Fear of Ball"

    Have the player stand in stance with arms in low hitting position, hands locked as if to bump the ball... coach will then throw the ball repetedly at the players arms/hands, the player will NOT bump or hit the ball just stand there and feel the ball hitting their hands/arms. This teaches them not to flinch back or turn from the ball... it doesn't hurt when it hits you... then the last ball you throw, yell "hit" and have them bump it. It has worked great with new volleyball players.

  19. Believe

    Keep up your grades and practice everyday. Believe in yourself and you can accomplish anything. Thank GOD everyday for giving you the ability to play sports and be great.

  20. Discovering Your Talent

    Discovering your talent starts from the classroom. Keep making good grades and see the difference in your talent discovery.

  21. Follow the Ball

    Always follow the ball and then move back.

  22. Get Up and Run

    Have the players line up in three lines on one side of the net. The first person in each line gets on the floor as if getting ready to do a push up. The coach then slaps the ball and gives a "bounce pass" to any of the players. Once the ball is slaped, the players may then run under the net and get ready to "return the ball". The player with the ball must throw the ball back to the coach imediatley. The coach then throws, passes, or hits the ball over the net. The players then try to return the ball back over. Repeat the procedure.

  23. Ball Control - Under/Over

    Two players facing each other at the net, in an athletic stance 3 feet apart. The first player passes teh ball under the net. The second player receives the ball and tries to pass it over the net, forming a circle around the net. This could be a competition, the team that completes the most circles wins.

  24. Injuries

    When you are hurt tell someone -- don't cover it up and say you are fine if you are not!

  25. Helpful Way to get Low

    Have someone throw balls down at you one after another and get low.

  26. Exercice and Drills

    Velocity, jump, defense and attack.

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